My Baby......

My Baby......
A gift From God...appreciate it.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Kids need to talk

Kids Need To Talk

Its lunch time,and he, as usual just sits there all by himself, and eats eats his peanut butter and jelly sandwiches in silence.He never even glances at kids sitting at other tables in the cafeteria,whats on his mind, you wonder.

In almost every school situation, you will find a student who is the classic loner,quiet, reclusive and simply totally mysterious.This kind of anti social behavior in kids as been shown to be as a result of genetics, home problems,depression,or simply just the way he or she was groomed to interact.This deep silence can sometimes lead to a condition referred to as "passive aggression" and unfortunately, can develop into real destructive tendencies later on in life.It is advisable to have any kid that displays this kind of behavior visit a professional and under go the necessary tests to discern what exactly is the reason he or she is like this.

You want to get this done as early as possible, as the longer it is allowed to remain like this, the more harm is done to the person.It is observed that a kid that participates in activities with his peers and engages in discussions and rapport on a regular basis, tend to develop into much more rounded adults,more confident and positive in their everyday lives.A depressed child needs to get on anti depressants and remedial programs to break him out of it as soon as possible.If the problem is at home there should be intervention from some relevant body to see what exactly is at the root, and suggest and implement programs and initiatives to help immediately.(from:

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